
Yoga Therapy

Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy is a method of healing diseases in the human body through yoga practice, this method of yoga therapy is developed based on the Guru's 37 years of life experience in the practice of yoga.

First of all, he is a yoga teacher. The Guru studied with the great Guru Parampara, who always taught him how to take care of people through yoga. The Guru was trained from a very young age and he became a master in this art.

The Guru came from another country to Russia and he taught many people from different countries, and he also created many yoga teachers, and then he decided to create from all the experience he gained one method of how to quickly help people with the help of yoga therapy.

Because every person, man, woman, child or elderly has different problems and imbalances in the body.

The practice is aimed at normalizing the functioning of individual organs and entire systems of the body. Moreover, during the exercise, almost all muscle groups are simultaneously or alternately involved.

The therapeutic approach opens the door to yoga for everyone and for those who have any physical limitations, and therapeutic techniques can be successfully used by yoga teachers.

Yoga therapy gently, carefully and individually, will heal the human body and restore its natural strength.

Practices consist of simple, accessible exercises that qualitatively affect the state of the body:

  • healthy spine
  • return internal organs “to their places”
  • restoration of the muscular frame of the body and musculoskeletal system
  • opening of the hip joint
  • Stiffness of the cervical-collar area and shoulder blade area, stiffness and pain in the lumbar spine, opening of the pelvis and stretching of the back surface of the legs.
  • Blood circulation processes improve and metabolism is restored.
  • The body will become stronger and more flexible, the mind will become clear and calm.
  • It is important to note that the impact does not only occur on the physical level. The cause of many diseases is stress, and it is through calming and relaxing the nervous system that many health problems can be solved!

All this develops the ability to feel your body on a deeper level.

Those who come to the YogaSiddhi Ashram, the Guru begins to teach along with marma, because he is a professor and master of the art of yoga, marma and siddha Ayurveda and with all the experience he created the techniques of marma therapy.