
Traditional Hatha Yoga

Traditional Hatha Yoga

In this modern age, many new discoveries are made by scientists. All
these findings are surprising, awe-inspiring and admirable.

In this modern age, many new discoveries are made by scientists. All
these findings are surprising, awe-inspiring and admirable.
Constructions, airplanes, medical, surgeries, and artificial births and
so on, People are proud of all such inventions. But here our yogis,
rishis, sages and siddhas have completely immortalized their
discoveries and creations without any side effects for this universe
and all the beings living in the universe.
These have remained a timeless treasure till now without any change
in their creation and discoveries. It is for this reason that I have
mentioned before, that Adiyogi has created yoga as if it were suitable
for all the time and for any stage. There is evidence that this yoga was
practiced 34,000 years ago in the land of Kumarikandam, which is
now covered with ocean on this earth. We are teaching the same
traditional and ancient Adiyogic art that our Guru Nath taught us
without any change.
What I am referring that, the Adiyoga art practiced in Kumarikandam
34,000 years ago are taught in our Ashram without any adulteration or
change even today in this modern age. i consider it the blessing of the
great Adiyogi and the great boon of me.
Vedic epic literature says that 84 lakh species of living beings
appeared when this earth appeared. The information’s from Padma
Puranam says that it has been divided six groups namely aquatic life,
trees, insects, birds, animals and humans. There are 9 lakh species of
aquatic life, 2 million (20 lakh) species of trees, 1.1 million species of
insects, 1 million species of birds, 3 million species of animal bodies
and 4 lakh species of human bodies. Totally 8.4 million. Considering
these 84 lakh species of living beings, Adiyogi designed 84 lakh

The guru who has learned all these 84 lakh yogasanas is not alive
today. At the same time, one lifetime of a human is not enough to
learn such asanas. That is why our guruparampara have designed
certain asanas which is suitable for normal human life. These asanas
are more sufficient to give superiority in one’s life.
When doing Yogasana with good awareness, the ascetic can become
better aware of the yogic subtlety within that movement. But it cannot
be said that this subtlety can be realized once the asana is done. It is
only when one practices an asana continuously for several days, than
the secrets of that asana begin to become clear. It can sometimes take
2 years or even 5 years.

Yoga is not just physical movement but a deep science is there. If a
Sadhagan can realize this scientific nature, he is a scientist who can
realize the great physical and cosmic movement. It will not end here.
As he penetrates further and further he becomes the recipient of an
immense spiritual treasure waiting for him.

Surrendering completely towards Guru and patience are very
necessary to reach this stage. The main reason for saying this is that I
have taught the Yogasana subtlety to our teachers and senior teachers
who have learned from me so far. But no matter how much we give
them, they ask us to teach them again and again in an unstable state
and with a restless mind before going deep and long and also before
practicing them and get the experience inside them..

As a guru, this is more pain for me. Because I am a Guru here with
sufficient knowledge. They will become a perfect yogi if they practice
the taught knowledge patiently and quietly. Their state of mind and
lack of understanding creates the stumbling block in their yogic
achievement. There is no lag in learning and teaching here. Because
our guru has taught us so and sent us to teach this world.

Ability to cure 4448 diseases, through yoga asanas was also taught to
me by our guru Sri Sidhananda Saraswati Yogi. Through this we have
cured thousands of people and even those who were suggested for

surgeries can be cured without surgeries. So don’t take this form of
yoga as only an exercise. It is an ancient medicine. It is a divine art
that regulates the body and mind, gives long and healthy life. If you
practice yoga properly as mentioned above, the muscles, ligaments,
vital nerves, bones, internal organs and non-secretory glands in the
body will start working smoothly. In this, the 108 important varma
points in the human body can be strengthened and the exchanging
energy can be felt in the body.

There is a very close relationship between the yogic movements and
the varma points in the body. Yoga is one of the sixty four arts.
Varmakala, which came in this order, is also an excellent art. So my
request is, all those who learn Yogasana and excel as Yoga teachers
should also learn Varma Kala. Because a teacher who is familiar with
the Varma points will have a more solid and deep understanding of
the movements and teaching methods in yoga asana. A yoga teacher,
who knows and understands that, can also be an excellent naturopath.
He does not harm the students who come to learn this art from him,
knowing the pride of the body and life, he can act smartly. Here you
get all these arts under one topic.

God has given the rare opportunity to you all. I learnt all this with
great hurdles, not one or two difficulties to learn these arts in my life,
despite going to different countries and undergoing various fasts, I
have received the blessings of Siddha Purushas and today I stand
before you as an excellent guru. Remember that complete surrender
and commitment is very important for this. You must be in a state of
yoga and asceticism to carry the state of grace in your arms.

You have to practice and move forward only then you will be able to
eliminate the karmic reactions in the other person’s body. One day the
art of yoga that you are constantly practicing will surely take you to a
higher state of excellence. That is what I am telling you that yoga art
and oga stage. I and my Guruparampara were witnesses to this.

Many people from different countries and in different situations are
coming to our ashram to get yoga teacher training from me, For a few
of those who come to our yoga ashram and start the teacher training
course, the changes in their body and mind in a couple of days seem
to be very painful. Other wise, some people do not agree with the
Ashram food, some people have more physical pains, some people
have suppressed feelings like crying or anger, and for some people,
the morning and evening exercises or daily chants in the ashram, and
the sounds of mantra can make them to get anger or leave the place.
There are many people who have done this in ashrams.

My dear’s ones please keep all the things in mind that I have said.
Why the interest in coming to the ashram for teacher training is
slowly moving on to the opposite direction in few days?
Please understand, you are not in the same state as when you came in.
Before learning the art of yoga from me, you may have read different
types of yoga books and came here with a different experiences. Or
else you may have come here to learn the art of yoga from the
reference of your friend.

My dears I remind you once again that yoga is not a physical
movement practice it is completely a non-surgical treatment system
given by Adiyogi. It is a deep spiritual science. God has placed the
rarest treasures on this earth which are invisible to human eyes. He
has hidden pearls, diamonds, and vitriol under the earth. Its value is
immeasurable and similarly the divine energy and spirituality that
exists within you can only be known, realized and received by you if
you go deep within yourself.

It is for that quest that you have come to me here. During your stay
with Me, I will teach you how to realize, understand and receive it.
Because our Gurunath and Guru’s Guru taught and created this and
left it. It is a path of self-realization. Human mind, life and body
function on this earth with innumerable records of soul, records of
previous births in every human being, records of how many times a
life has died and been born. The stage we are talking about is

definitely understood by those who have reached the stage of
liberation in spiritual yoga practice, but most people just nod their
heads as if they understand.

Their actions are understood by their conscience. Now do you
understand why mental and physical disturbances arise when you
learn your yoga practice from us? A few souls who understand karmic
actions, takes human birth again on this earth due to the good deeds of
their last days and step on the path of this yoga with the grace of the
Lord. My dear ones, whenever you start to make a small movement in
yoga, the karmas you have been doing so far starts to be sawn there. It
begins to disappear. Neither you nor your guru nor my guru is an
exception to this. All of us should face this lust mentioned above.

I am the one who has gone through all those pains, mental pain,
physical pain, spiritual pain. In this world I am not without the
wisdom to create a great business center and keep 1000, 2000 workers
in it. I will always stand before you with firm sangalpa, as a guru “Let
the whole world get the pleasure that I have got in this life”.

Our Great Guru was recognized by his Great Guru, gave him
Gurudikshai and left him to do spiritual service to this world and to
elevate souls and attain divine status. In the same way, My great
Guru recognized me in this world and gave me Gurudikshai, taught
me the traditional wisdom of our Guru and created us to continue
the same spiritual work that he did. He has been the guide till now.
Now is the time to give you the same virtue that my guru gave me in
my hands.

A sculptor selects the appropriate stone to carve a sculpture. With his
inner eye he analyses the chosen stone that which divine idol can be
made out of it in traditional way. This is how I will see you all, who
have come to learn the subtleties of yoga from me. Now the sculptor

cuts out the unwanted parts of the stone with a sharp chisel. When the
rock is cut, a part is removed from the rock. Which gives the rock a
vibrating pain. Then the sculptor thinks that the rock or the iron chisel
that he uses will not have any feeling, but the reality is not like that,
that chisel will surely understand its pain, and the artist who creates it
must be very careful to bring out that divine beautiful sculpture. That
goal will be true. At the end when it is perfected there is boundless
joy for both.

That rock was in some other place, now it has become an idol that
everyone touches and worships. At the same time, the fact is that the
sculptor who created it will be forgotten by this society by time.
Beloved, every day you travel with the Guru, He is always removing
what you don’t need. If you move forward with the pain of it, you too
will be eternally exalted with divine nature.

Siddha Words are Shiva Words...