
Vippasana (Meditation)

Vippasana (Meditation)

Vipassana is a key that opens many doors in a human life. The first stage in this method is called “Anabana Sathi”. It involves being in the present moment and observing the breath in and out. When observing in this way, the thought waves that are buried in the mind will start to rise. This is the first stage.

Translated from the ancient Indian language, Vipassana means seeing reality as it is. This form of meditation is thousands of years old and is the most subtle, most pure. Meditation is not a religion. This form of meditation is thousands of years old and is the most subtle, most pure. Meditation is not a religion. It is a pure traditional technique of bringing about change through introspection. It focuses on the deep connection between mind and body.

All the things that happen in a man's daily life become an They remain in the mind as memories It often keeps recalling what happened. Due to this, human qualities such as anger, hostility, lust, lust, desire, and hatred will arise in him. Due to this he gets confused and loses sleep, loses his peace of mind and becomes restless. In the end he lives an unhappy life.

Vipassana is a key that opens many doors in a human life. The first stage in this method is called “Anabana Sathi”. It involves being in the present moment and observing the breath in and out. When observing in this way, the thought waves that are buried in the mind will start to rise. This is the first stage.

“Kayanubanu Sathi” is the second stage. That is, as one continues to practice Anapana, the impurities in his mind (thoughts, feelings) will start coming out through his body. These include leg pain, hip pain, vomiting, headache, loose motions etc.

As one passes through the second stage kayanupanu one begins to understand the cosmic subtlety along with the cosmic thought waves. This is what we call wisdom.

The state that passes these three states is called Vipassana. In this stage one is completely connected with the universe.

In terms of this ancient technique in the current modern age; They add more new some method. Due to this adulteration, this meditation loses its strength and then the benefits that should be obtained from it are not obtained. People give up this form of meditation when they don't get benefit.

In this modern age, people do not have time to learn this method, that's why in our Yogasiddhi Ashram, Guru Siva Sri Muruga chiththar, who came from the traditional guru way, has design and teach this traditional meditation technique as a 3-day training camp.

Here are some of the countless benefits:

  • Meditation is a great tool to reduce stress, anxiety or depression
  • Calms the mind
  • Learn to live in the present moment
  • Increase quality life
  • Learn to manage emotions
  • Improve health
  • Become the master of your mind
  • Recognize your weaknesses and true qualities
  • Master the hidden reserves of the brain, use it 100%, not 2%, activate all dormant areas of the brain.